J Exerc Nutrition Biochem Search


Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry 2000;4(2):73-84.
Relationship between ratings of perceived exertion and cardiorespiratory function during graded exercise test
The purpose of this research is to provide a useful data for setting the optimal level of exercise by identifying two things; relationship between ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate(HR), oxygen uptake(VO_2), respiratory exchange ratio(RER) during graded exercise test/ Whether it is possible to estimate variables of cardiorespiratory function by utilizing ratings of perceived exertion or HR during graded exercise test. The subjects were 373 middle aged men - 197 of 30`s and 176 of 40`s- We measured their HR, VO_2, RER, and RPE during graded exercise test. The result from analysis of correlation and analysis of regression is as below 1. There is a significant relationship between RPE and HR for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test. 2. There is a significant relationship between RPE and V0_2 for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test. 3. There is a significant relationship between RPE and RER for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test. 4. There is a significant relationship between HR and VO_2 for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test. 5. There is a significant relationship between HR and RER for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test. Overall, there was a close relationship between RPE and variables of cardiorespiratory function for middle aged men of 30`s and 40`s during graded exercise test.


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