J Exerc Nutrition Biochem Search


Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry 2010;14(4):191-198.
Comparison of Physical Characteristics and Dietary Quality in Junior Field Athletes
PURPOSE. This study analyzed physical characteristics and evaluated quality of dietary intake in junior field athletes according to their sports event. METHODS. Total 103 junior field athletes (57 boys, 46 girls) aged 11 to 15 years, were classified into male jumping players (MJ, n=27), female jumping players (FJ, n=30), male throwing players (MT, n=23) and female throwing players (FT, n=23) by their sports event and sex. RESULTS. MT exhibited significantly higher in height (p<.05), weight p<.001), BMI p<.001), lean body mass (p<.001) and % body fat (p<.001) than those of MJ. In addition, FT showed significantly higher in physical characteristics including height p<.0l), weight p<.00l), BMI (p<.001), lean body mass (p<.00l), % body fat (p<.001) than those of FJ. For comparison of estimated energy requirement (EER) and nutrient intake, MT and FT showed significantly higher intake of total energy (p<.001), carbohydrate (p<.001), protein (p<.001), lipid p<.001), and EER (p<.001) than those of MJ and FJ, respectively. The ratio of macro-nutrient intake appeared out of the appropriate range in MT. FJ and FT. In addition, energy and Ca of the nutritional adequacy ratio (NAR) in the all groups were assessed not adequacy. For correlation of EER with energy, there were significant correlations in MJ (r=.953, p<.001) and MT (r=.731, p<.001). However, there was no significant correlation between EER and energy in FJ and FT. CONCLUSiON. These results indicate that the all group`s dietary energy and Ca intake were not adequate for the junior field athletes. Therefore, optimal athletic nutritional planning based on individual EER and quality of dietary intake is needed to enhance athletic health and competition in Korean juvenile field athletes.
Key Words: Estimated energy requirement, Nutrient intake, Nutritional adequacy ratio, Junior field athlete


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